Ph: (403) 337-4000

Edmonton South
Ph: (780) 666-2600

Edmonton North
Ph: (780) 666-2600

Ph: 403.337.4000
Ph: 780.666.2600

Ph: (778) 800-9957

All Office Fax: (780) 666-9721

Office Hours:
Monday to Friday: 9am – 6pm
Saturday: By Appointment

Accredited Business

Accredited Business

Edmonton/Lloydminster: (780) 666-2600

Debt Consolidation Services
Surrey & Greater Vancouver Region


Keep your CAR, HOME, and RRSPs
Stop harassing CREDITOR CALLS immediately
Get the largest DEBT REDUCTION that is fair

5 Offices | 10+ Years Experience | 10000+ Satisfied Clients


Book a personal, no obligation consultation today.

    Eliminate Debt with our Customized Debt Consolidation services!

    Get a reliable debt consolidation partner that can help you end your struggle among different creditors. Credit720 has the best financial advisors with significant experience in handling such a crisis.

    As Debt consolidation necessitates thorough planning, our experts share the pros and cons of all debt consolidation services and then, suggest the best mechanism for relieving the taunting pressure of settling the debts as soon as possible.

    Untangle your loan trap with our Expert Debt Settlement Services.

    We stay with our clients during all the debt situations and adopt personalized solutions to prevent our clients from applying for bankruptcy. Credit720 financial experts undertake great efforts to saves their clients from the threats of bankruptcy.

    Debts Covered Under Our Expert Provision

    1. Debts like credit cards, bank overdrafts, personal loans, income tax, and individual lines of credit.
    2. Similarly, payday loan advances, Source deductions, debts pertaining to GST.
    3. On the same regard, both federal and provincial debts for students, debts due to Re-possessed vehicles or home, inclusive of shortfalls.

    How can Credit720 Help in Debt Consolidation?

    1. Financial experts at credit720 believe in the power of filing for a consumer proposal. Being the safest and low-cost method, a consumer proposal if you have more than $5000 debt. We aid in complete consumer proposal formulation, right from the first step of applying, getting approval from all the authorities to empowering the clients to procure more time to pay all the debts.
    2. We try as much as possible to bring down the amount to be repaid to the least minimum possible so as to avoid issues with creditors. Most importantly, we extend care post–filing of customer proposal.

    Credit720 debt consolidation services cover everything! We take your problem as ours and set on a mission to bring you the best solution possible. Thus, we handle all the calls from creditors, avoiding the accruement of interest and prevent all assets like home, vehicles, etc from getting procured.